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Senior Leadership Team

Headteacher: Mrs M Eastwood

Deputy Headteacher: Miss L Flynn

Assistant Headteacher/EYFS: Mrs M Wakefield

Assistant Headteacher/KS2 Lead: Miss S Merry

Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Eastwood, Miss Flynn, Mrs Wakefield, Miss Hoey, Miss Merry, Mrs Barlow

Middle Leadership Team

KS1 Phase Leader: Mrs J Barlow

KS2 Phase Leader: Miss S Merry

SENCO: Miss G Hoey


Teachers: Mrs Wakefield, Mrs Hall, Mr Brotherton and Miss Mulligan 

Staff working across the phase: Mrs Thompson, Mrs Wong, Mrs Hodgson, Mr Shakeshaft, Miss Liu, Miss Evans, Miss Swann

KS1 Team

Year 1H: Miss Hayes

Year 1/2B: Miss Bailey

Year 2HW: Miss Healing and Mrs Barlow

Year 2B: Mr Button

Staff working across the phase: Miss Lloyd, Miss Bailey, Miss Liu, Mr Shakeshaft, Mrs Weir, Miss McDerment, Miss Harding

LKS2 Team

Year 3W: Mrs Woodward and Mrs Walker

Year 3BW: Miss Cullen

Year 4J: Mr Jones

Year 4P:  Miss Phennah

Year 3/4J: Mr Jackson

Staff working across the phase: Mrs Clegg, Mr Haley, Mr Wilson, Miss Emmie, Mrs Adamson

UKS2 Team

Year 5A: Mr Allen

Year 5N: Mrs Newton

Year 6M: Miss Merry

Year 6D: Mr Foster

Year 5/6F: Miss Flanagan

Staff working across the phase: Mrs Unsworth, Mrs Birch, Mr G, Mrs Parker and Mr McMahon

Support Staff

Administration: Mrs Billeau and Miss Walton 

Site Maintenance and Cleaning: Mr McClennan, Mrs McDerment, Ms Young, Mrs Skinner, Miss McDerment, Ms Archer

Lunchtime Supervision: Dot, Mary, Abi, Sue, Lorraine and Alex

PE Staff (non-school based)

Kris Leigh - Break the Mould

Mark Williams - MW Primary PE

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