Early Years Foundation Stage


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Our Early Years Foundation Stage comprises of children in Nursery and Reception. The children are aged between 3 and 5 years and enjoy a carefully balanced range of activities throughout the day. Much of their learning stems from play and is very much experiential. The children have opportunities to direct their own learning as well as taking part in adult-directed and adult-led activities. The learning environment - both indoor and outdoor - facilitates much of the learning that takes place. 

In the Early Years, we plan for the children to develop their understanding and skills across the different areas of learning. The prime areas of learning are Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development. The specific areas of learning are Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World and Expressive Art and Design.

Development Matters is a document that sets out typical age development milestones for each of the areas of learning. This document can be accessed by following the link below. 

Our children follow RWInc for phonics.