Governing Body
Governing Body - September 2023 onwards
Mrs A Hale – Chair
Mrs M Eastwood – Headteacher
Miss Flynn - Staff Governor
Mrs Sheehan - Parent Governor
Ms Reader - Parent Governor
Ms Ogilvie - Parent Governor
The GB will meet half termly and each meeting will have a focus on either:
Finance, Premises and Personnel
Achievement and Standards
However, the focus will not exclude discussion around other areas. Safeguarding is a standing agenda item for every meeting.
The following committees are in place:
Pupil Discipline and Exclusion Panel
Committee is formed on an ad-hoc basis – consisting of three members, excluding the headteacher
Staff Discipline and Dismissal Panel
Committee is formed on an ad-hoc basis – consisting of three members, excluding the headteacher
Complaints Panel
Committee is formed on an ad-hoc basis – consisting of three members, excluding the headteacher
The GB has a Collaboration Agreement with the other schools in the Oak Trees Multi-Academy Trust to use governors from their schools if the GB was not able to form a quorate ad-hoc committee.
The following members of the GB have been assigned specific responsibilities:
Mrs Hale – Child Protection and Safeguarding
Mrs Hale - SEND and Pupil Premium
Mr N Saunders – Clerk to the TOC