RSE is now a compulsory part of the school curriculum for primary aged children. We have developed our policy based around statutory guidance (what all schools MUST teach) and around optional and additional content - this is the content that we feel our children should have access to at school. We have reached our decisions around the optional content after carefully considering what our children already know and discuss, what issues and themes are faced within the local community, using data available to us such as CQC information and through discussions with partner agencies such as the 0-19 health team and local police teams.

Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their child/ren from the non-statutory content - the units of work are broken down into year groups below.

You can find find our policy and the statutory overviews (in appendix 1) for what children learn in each of the year groups. Our Heart Smart work covers the statutory curriculum and the videos linked to this work can be accessed on YouTube by following this link:

We also use our science curriculum to ensure that the health aspects of the children's education meets the National Curriculum objectives.