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Safeguarding, in its simplest form, is about keeping children safe. At school we do this in many ways. On a daily basis we teach the children about keeping safe – from risk-managing playground activities and trips and visits to more specific curriculum lessons. Examples of such include e-safety, teaching about rights through our Rights Respecting ethos which permeates our whole curriculum, teaching about people who help us in Early Years, the impact of drugs and alcohol in science, managing emotions and feelings in PSHE and teaching about healthy relationships – something that we already do at Egremont but which became a statutory part of the curriculum in September 2020. We also make use of visitors to school to develop our children’s knowledge and understanding of safety – we have the Fire Service in to discuss bonfire and firework safety, the Lollipop/Crossing Patrol to talk about road safety, Bikeability to teach about cycling on the roads and the Police to talk about behaviour and discipline to name but a few.

In addition to actively teaching and promoting safe and healthy lifestyles, we also ensure that we teach our children about trusted adults. We provide them with many ways that they can to talk to our staff or other trusted adults with any concerns or worries and ensure that we foster positive relationships which are built upon mutual trust and respect.

Safeguarding is also about managing, recording, reporting and responding to concerns that are raised. All of our staff are trained in Safeguarding and Child Protection and they have refresher training on a regular basis. We also have Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) – our leads receive additional training and are qualified to a higher level. They are responsible for making decisions and dealing with concerns that are raised in or with school. They do this in line with our policy for Safeguarding, which can be found by following the link below.

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

  • Mrs Eastwood –

  • Miss Flynn - 

  • Mrs Wakefield - 

  • Miss Merry -

  • Miss Hoey - 

General concerns can also be directed to our office, who will ensure the correct people are informed:

Egremont School Office: 0151 638 5406

Nominated Governor for Safeguarding - Alison Hale

Currently, Miss Flynn is the overall lead for safeguarding in school and any professionals contacting the school will initially speak with her. Miss Flynn may delegate responsibilities for safeguarding to other members of the safeguarding team.

Whilst our Designated Safeguarding Leads have responsibility for managing safeguarding and Child Protection matters, you can speak to ANY member of staff to discuss and share any concerns or issues. The safety of our children is of paramount importance and all staff have significant training in place and know the procedures and processes that must be followed.

You can also read further information about e-safety in our school here.

By following the links to the websites below, you can find further information and support.

School policies and further documentation: