Year 1 and 2 2024 - 2025

Ms Bailey

Mr Button

Ms Healing

Miss Hayes


Welcome to Key Stage 1 2024-2025

There's plenty here for you to explore. Please check regulary for updates and important dates for our classes. 

Meet our staff:

 1/2 B - Miss Bailey 

1H - Miss Hayes

2BH - Mrs Barlow and Miss Healing

2B - Mr Button


Phase TAs - Miss Lloyd, Miss Lui, Mrs Weir, Miss McDerment, Miss Harding and Mr Shakeshaft




Reading - We read or share texts at least three times a day at school. We have a text that we base our English work around. This half term begins with The Boy, the Troll and the Chalk in Year 1 and A River in Year 2. We also have a class text which we share with our pupils at the end of the day. Our pupils have 1:1 and partner reading session daily too. Please tweet our authors and see if you get a response!

At Egremont we strive to read 5 times each week, please support your child by reading with them at home and ensuring they bring their book bag in daily. They can track their progress on their class tracking chart.


We are working hard towards the phonics screening check during Read, Write Inc phonics sessions and reading sessions.

You can practise at home using the following links




 Year 1 - Place Value, Addition and Subtraction

Year 2 - Place Value, Addition and Subtraction



Can your child share what they have been up to this week? 


Use Hit the Button to become times tables experts!

Don't forgot to battle on TT Rockstars! 1H are currently in the lead! 



Year 1 - Tuesday

Year 2 - Monday

Please make sure your child has a PE kit in school for their P.E lesson every week. 

Fit Friday!

Our children have MW Primary P.E teaching them this term to support our children with their sports skills. 

Please ensure that they come into school dressed appropriately.
