Charges and Remissions

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As a school, we have made a commitment (based upon our core values and our understanding of the community as a rights respecting school) to minimise charges wherever possible for our learners and their families. The education we provide wholly or mainly during school hours will be free of charge but on some occasions, a voluntary contribution towards the cost of an activity may be requested by the school. Parents/carers are free to decide whether to contribute. We have therefore made these 8 commitments:

  1. No charge will be made for admitting pupils to this school

  2. Transport or admission costs for swimming lessons etc. during school hours will be met by the school

  3. The school may request voluntary contributions towards the costs of some activities planned during school hours

  4. When there are insufficient voluntary contributions to make an activity possible, and there is no way to make up the shortfall, it will be cancelled

  5. Where parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of an activity which takes place during school hours, or to school equipment or school funds, the contribution will be genuinely voluntary. Pupils of parents who are unable or unwilling to contribute will not be discriminated against

  6. For residential trips that are wholly or mainly during school hours, school will charge for the cost of board/lodging at the actual cost of the provision

  7. Where music tuition is not an essential part of the national curriculum, charges may be made

  8. The school provides some before and after school activities that are made available for a small charge – the activities are available for all children and participation is wholly voluntary

Please see the link below for further information and rationale to this policy.