Year 3 and 4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Woodward
Mrs Walker
Mr Jones
Miss Phennah
Mr Jackson
Welcome to Year 3 and Year 4
Meet our staff team -
3W - Miss Cullen
3KW - Mrs Woodward and Mrs Walker
3/4J - Mr Jackson
4P - Miss Phennah
4J - Mr Jones
Phase TAs - Miss Adamson, Miss Emmie, Mr Haley, Mr Wilson and Mrs Mainwaring.
Welcome to Lower Key Stage 2! There's plenty here for you to explore. Please check regulary for updates and important dates for our classes.
We are looking forward to the Autumn term and sharing our exciting learning journey with you.
Reading - We read or share texts at least three times a day at school. We have a text that we base our English work around. . Our pupils have 1:1 and partner reading session daily too. Please tweet our authors and see if you get a response!
Maths This half term we are working hard to learn our times tables. In June, our Y4 children will take a times tables check and all children in Years 3 and 4 can practise for this here: TIMES TABLES CHECK You have 5 seconds to answer each question so you need to be quick AND careful! Can you improve your score each time you play? Don't forget to use TT Rockstars and battle your friends and other classes!At Egremont we strive to read 5 times each week, please support your child by reading with them at home and ensuring they bring their book bag in daily. They can track their progress on their class tracking chart.
In Maths we will be learning all about place value... Use Hit the Button to become experts with our timetables. This is essential for our place value knowledge.
Phonics Our children are working hard on our phonics this term.You can practise at home using the following links
Year 3 - Tuesday
Year 4 - Monday
Please make sure your child has a PE kit in school for their P.E lesson every week.
Fit Friday!
Our children have Break the Mould teaching this term to support our children with their leadership skills. They will be working with the coaches to become mentors on our yard. Our Y5 children will be supporting those in our phase to play games and faciltate some new activities on the yard. Please ensure that you come into school dressed appropriately - white t-shirt and black shorts or a plain jogging suit. No branded tracksuits should be worn for P.E