
Curriculum Intent

At Egremont, our curriculum is designed to ensure that our children are immersed in broad and balanced opportunities that are challenging and aspirational. The learning that we have planned is designed to meet the needs of our children so that they become independent, confident and successful learners. In designing the curriculum that we offer, we have given careful consideration to our children’s starting points, their background and the barriers that they will overcome during their time at Egremont. We intend for our children to become well-rounded individuals who make positive contributions to both their immediate communities and to the wider world. British Values (Rule of Law, Democracy, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect) and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development opportunities also permeate all aspects of both the curriculum and wider aspects of school life.

As a Rights Respecting School, we are committed to ensuring that our children consider the rights of children, both in the past and at present, and to also ensure that they feel confident to express themselves so that their rights are promoted and realised. We intend for the values of Rights Respecting to permeate all aspects of daily life within the school but most importantly, that it plays a part in shaping and informing our curriculum and the opportunities that we offer. Articles 28 and 29 are of particular relevance.


Curriculum Implementation

At Egremont, the curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 and other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the children in our school. We have planned our curriculum so that each subject is taught on a weekly basis as we feel that regular opportunities to develop and embed subject knowledge and skills is most beneficial for our children. Within each subject across the curriculum, we will encourage the children to be curious, to pose questions to be answered and to consider how the topic or theme impacts upon or relates to them as individuals. We will promote creativity and make links with other subjects and topics or themes that have previously been covered in order to ensure that the learning that takes place is memorable and retained.

The community that our children are from, their heritage and the locality will often provide the best starting points for learning. This allows the children to relate their learning to what they already know and provides a sense of purpose and meaning. From this, the broad and balanced curriculum that we offer will then allow the children to diversify, broaden and deepen their knowledge and understanding. 

As we implement our curriculum in each subject, we will develop our children’s vocabulary and there will be a focus on subject-specific or technical vocabulary. All new vocabulary will be added to our displays and working walls and in some subjects, such as history and geography, we will have knowledge organisers that contain some of the vocabulary that the children will make greater use of within their learning for that term. A vocabulary-rich curriculum enables and supports the children in becoming knowledge rich.

How we implement each subject can be found on the 'Our Curriculum Implementation' tab as part of the drop down menu for the School Curriculum.


Curriculum Impact

The impact of our curriculum can be likened to the phrase 'the fruits of our labour' - the outcomes of the hard work invested by both children and staff. 

We are working hard to ensure that our curriculum is progressive and that children are able to secure their knowledge within their long term memory - to do this, our children make links and retrieve their learning regularly. We are very proud of our children and of the work that they are doing. We share this with great pride. 

Take a look at some of the work we showcase on Twitter - @EgremontPrimary 




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